Auction Catalog

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Displaying items 1 - 12 of 17 in total

Head of School for the Day on We...

Nancy Clausey

Lunch with Mrs. Clausey for 2 St...


Lunch with Mrs. Maness for 1 Stu...

Karen Maness

Teacher for a Day in Mrs. Durham...

Carrie Durham

Teacher for the Day in Mrs. McDo...

Laurie McDonough

Teacher for the Day in Mrs. McDo...

Laurie McDonough

Teacher for the Day in Mrs. McDo...

Laurie McDonough

Teacher for the Day in Mrs. Smit...

Pam Smith

Name the Carpool Lane!


See your name on the CARPOOL LANE everyday for the 2017-2018 school year!



See your name on the CARPOOL LANE everyday for the 2017-2018 school year!



See your name on the CARPOOL LANE everyday for the 2017-2018 school year!



Name the Small Playground!


You name the small playground just across from the Lambs and PS classrooms!


What a thrill for your child to see his/her name every time it's recess!

You name the small playground just across from the Lambs and PS classrooms!


What a thrill for your child to see his/her name every time it's recess!

You name the small playground just across from the Lambs and PS classrooms!


What a thrill for your child to see his/her name every time it's recess!

Name the Middle Playground!


You name the MIDDLE playground!

(This is the playground closest to the back gate and water fountains.)


What a thrill for your child to see his/her name every time it's recess!

You name the MIDDLE playground!

(This is the playground closest to the back gate and water fountains.)


What a thrill for your child to see his/her name every time it's recess!

You name the MIDDLE playground!

(This is the playground closest to the back gate and water fountains.)


What a thrill for your child to see his/her name every time it's recess!

Parking Spot! (1)
